Thank's for all from nice comments from shawl. I got more praises in last knitting meeting :-). That Grignasco Merinosilk is totally wonderful yarn!
Sukkasatoonkin on jotain valmista, mutta sen verran hyshys sukat nuo on vielä, jotta saatte nähtäväksi vain vilkaisun kantapäihin. Myöhemmin lisää noista.
To Sukkasato I have got something ready, but those are going to somewhere, so just peeking to to heels. Later more from these socks.
On the same time I opened -10%-project too. My own weight have lost something too, slowly but something anyway. Good start.
Uusi Knittykin näyttää ilmestyneen. Heti ei sykähdyttänyt oikein mikään, ehkäpä ajan kanssa.
New Knitty has come too. Nothing "I want that" at first, maybe with time.
1 kommentti:
Oh, those are nice looking heels! And I like that color. :)
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